Courses & Sadhana Initiations

Are you looking for something that is easily accessible and will radically change your life for the better? Do you want to have access to genius brain, a balanced brain, with the left and right hemispheres aligned?

Well, that is available to you through these simple, yet highly valuable, courses and initiations, as long as you practice daily!

Here you will find courses that share the sacred science and technology from the ancient yogis and great Gurus like, Babaji, Paramahansa Yogananda, and wisdom from the Upanishads, the Vedas, and Tantra. These teachings used to be shared as a rich oral tradition in the Himalayas from Guru and Master to Disciple or Student, and eventually in written text that dates back from the 20th and 10th centuries in the Rigveda and Upanishads and many other sacred texts. To share these supreme teachings from India to all parts of the World is the greatest honor.

If you are all new to this science of yoga and meditation, no problem, there is no previous experience required! Just show up, open and ready to receive.

Often in the West, the practice of meditation is seen as separate from yoga, but in the original yogic studies and ways of living, there is no yoga without meditation and no meditation without yoga.

Meditation supports and enhances all other yogic practices.

Without meditation, all other yogic practices do not yield their full potential or desired effect.

Initiation to Sattva Meditation Technique

What is Sattva Meditation?

Sattva Meditation is a unique style because it includes both Kriya, from Babaji Lineage, and bija mantra meditation techniques, stemming from the Himalayan tradition. This is a comprehensive, simple and effective technique, which consists of breathwork, kriya, and mantra. When practiced 20-30 minutes daily it can benefit all aspects of one’s life. This technique balances the brain, opens the energy currents in the spine, and creates a stable, grounded, yet expansive energetic field for the practitioner. I say that going outside in the morning without meditating is like forgetting your shoes for the day.

This private initiation includes receiving information on meditation, initiation to the Sattva Meditation technique and receiving a personal mantra. There will be weekly check in sessions for 15-20 minutes for 1-month post initiation. Initial Initiation is 2-3 hours in length.

Investment of $333.33

Book Your Initiation Today!

Sattva Meditation Courses

Group or Private

What is Sattva Meditation?

Sattva Meditation is a unique style because it includes both Kriya, from Babaji Lineage, and bija mantra meditation techniques, stemming from the Himalayan tradition. This is a comprehensive, simple and effective technique, which consists of breathwork, kriya, and mantra. When practiced 20-30 minutes daily it can benefit all aspects of one’s life. This technique balances the brain, opens the energy currents in the spine, and creates a stable, grounded, yet expansive energetic field for the practitioner. I say that going outside in the morning without meditating is like forgetting your shoes for the day.

Sattva Meditation Intro Course –

Level 1

Prerequisite: Must be at least 7 years old

FREE INTRO TALK – Sattva Meditation – Learn How to Meditate
45 minutes – 1 hour

  • What is Meditation? What is Sattva Meditation; Origins of the Practice.
  • Why Meditate?
  • What are the benefits of Meditation?
  • The importance of a daily, consistent, regular meditation practice.
  • Learn more about the content and breakdown of the course.
  • Question & Answer Session
  • Short Intro Meditative Experience

DAY 1 – 4 hours
Wisdom Session: The Nature of the Mind Expanded, How the Brain Works and The Brain Waves, The Meaning of Samyama
Initiation to the Sattva Technique + Meditate

DAY 2 – 3 hours
Wisdom Session: The Energetic Body – Koshas + Q & A
Receive Personal Mantra + Meditate

DAY 3 – 4 hours
Wisdom Session: Nature of Consciousness & Self + Q & A
Meditate Together


(Once you have completed the Level 1 – Sattva Meditation Intro Course, you have the option to drop into any Level 1 – Sattva Meditation Intro Course that is being offered by One Root Seven Branches in the future as a tune up.) There will be weekly check in sessions for 15-20 minutes for 1-month post initiation.

Investment of $864 / Private Course Investment of $1008
Now sliding scale offering

Option to pay in installment, please contact for details.

Offering to Children 7-11 years old – FREE/OPEN
Children 12-13 years old – $108

For current course dates and locations, please check the calendar or connect below for a private course.

Sattva Meditation Advanced Course –

Level 2

Prerequisites: Completion of Level 1 Course and practicing consistently for 1-3 years. Must be at least 13 years old

  • Receive initiation to the advanced Sattva Meditation technique + advanced personal mantra
  • Learn the importance of the advanced technique, awareness on the depths of knowledge of the seven stages of consciousness; learn supportive practices in addition to Sattva Meditation. Includes guided practices and community rounding.

There will be weekly check in sessions for 15-20 minutes for 1-month post initiation.

For current course dates and locations, please check the calendar or connect below for a private course.

Dasha Mahavidya Course

Prerequisites: Sattva Meditation Intro Course – Level 1, or equivalent meditation technique, completion and consistent practice for a minimum of 1 year and at least 14 years old.

Dasha Mahavidya Sadhana

In the Yog Tantric tradition the Dasha Mahavidyas represent the supreme expression of the sacred feminine. They represent the 10 fundamental expressions of enlightened living. This advanced practice helps us embody the supreme wisdom emanating from the absolute indivisible Self; making enlightened living a reality. This sadhana is the continuous teaching of the sacred feminine and constitutes one of the highest teachings of Tantra. Participants in this course will receive initiation into an advanced sadhana for invoking the qualities of the Dasha Mahavidyas into their lives. Participants must have a consistent meditation practice for a minimum of one year to take part in this sadhana. This sadhana is for both female and male-bodied individuals; we are intending to invoke the qualities of the divine feminine and each goddess in all beings. Each human has divine masculine and divine feminine within them; this practice is working with the divine feminine and its expressions within all beings.

45 minutes – 1 hour

  • Who & What are the Dasha Mahavidyas? What is Tantra, Shakti, & Kundalini?
  • What are the benefits of this Sadhana and Sacred Rituals?
  • The importance of following through with practice of a sadhana
  • Learn more about the content and breakdown of the course.
  • Question & Answer Session
  • Short Experiential Practice invoking the Goddess Energy

7 Day Course

Wisdom Session: More on Tantra, Shakti, and Kundalini. Intro to Dasha Mahavidyas, Ishta Devata, Yantra, and MantraPractice Together

Wisdom Session: Speaking to Siddhis, The Goddesses, Sadhana Initiation, Initiation to two Goddesses / Practice Together

DAY 3-5
Wisdom Session: Initiation to Goddesses (3 each on Days 3+4, 2 on Day 5) Practice Together

Wisdom Session: How to use these tools and practices in your life. / Maha Sadhana

Goddess Havan  /  Wisdom Session: Q & A


(Once you have completed the Dasha Mahavidya Course, you have the option to drop into any Dasha Mahavidya Course that is being offered by One Root Seven Branches in the future as a tune up.) There will be weekly check in sessions for 15-20 minutes for 1-month post initiation.

Full Course Investment of $1296 / Private Course Investment of $2268

Option to pay in installment, please contact for details.

Introduction + Initiation to First Goddess – $300
9 Following Initiations – $150/Goddess

For current course dates and locations, please check the calendar or connect below for a private course.

Fundamentals to Sattva Himalayan Kriya – Activating Will Power and Stability Course  Level 1

Prerequisite: Highly advised to have a daily meditation practice.

Himalayan Kriya is an ancient technique of yoga that originated in the Great Himalayas, the home of yoga. These practices were handed down through an oral tradition from Yogic Master to Student. Kriya literally translates into “action that leads to evolution, expansion, and liberation.” Kriya is used as a practice to come into deeper states of shunya, silence and stillness. Here you will learn fundamental kriya practices for vitality. This is a three-day course to discover the history of Himalayan Kriya, and the understanding of the energetic body, the koshas and chakras. Here is a special opportunity to learn 7 Sattva Himalayan Kriya techniques that will radically change your life for the better, guaranteed, as long as you practice daily!

45 minutes – 1 hour

  • What is Kriya? What is Energy and bio-cellular memory?
  • What are the benefits of practicing kriya?
  • Learn more about the content and breakdown of the course.
  • Question & Answer Session
  • Short Kriya Intro Experience

DAY 1 – 3 Hours
Wisdom Session: Intro to the Energetic Body, Koshas & Chakras
Practice Together

DAY 2 – 2.5 Hours
Wisdom Session: Intro to Kriya, Kriya Initiation to three practices
Practice Together

DAY 3 – 2.5 Hours
Wisdom Session: Kriya Initiation to four practices
Practice Together

Course Investment of $444.44 / Private Course Investment of $540.00

(Once you have completed the Sattva Himalayan Kriya Course – Level 1 you have the option to drop into any Sattva Himalayan Kriya Course – Level 1 that is being offered by One Root Seven Branches in the future as a tune up.) There will be 1 check in session, 1 week after the course.

For current course dates and locations, please check the calendar or connect below for a private course.

Fundamentals of Sattva Pranayama for Vitality Course

Level 1

Prerequisite: Highly advised to have a daily meditation practice.

Sattva Pranayama, or breath exercises, are the base for living a life full of vitality. These practices are how one harnesses this life force energy flowing within them. Here we use specific techniques from the ancient Himalayan Yogis to tune our life force energy. All of the practices initiated will be ultimately giving you access to Maha Prana, the cosmic field of prana. The more access you have to prana, the greater and greater your capacity will be. This course will enable you to shift your energetic state immediately through the power of the pranayama practices. This is a three-day course that will cover the understanding of energy, prana, and the sacred science and technology of pranayama from the yogis. All of life is energy, you are energy, learn to tap into this cosmic field of energy and shift your own state with ease and grace. No external substance or presence needed, just you and your breath.

45 minutes – 1 hour

  • What is Prana? Why should I work with energy?
  • What are the benefits of practicing Pranayama?
  • Learn more about the content and breakdown of the course.
  • Question & Answer Session
  • Short Pranayama Intro Practice

DAY 1 – 3 Hours
Wisdom Session: Intro to the Energetic Body and Prana in Depth.

DAY 2 – 2.5 Hours
Wisdom Session: Intro to The Anatomy of Prana, Initiation to three practices
Practice Together

DAY 3 – 2.5 Hours
Wisdom Session: Pranayama Initiation to four practices
Practice Together

Course Investment of $444.44 / Private Course Investment of $540.00

(Once you have completed the Sattva Pranayama Course – Level 1 you have the option to drop into any Sattva Pranayama Course – Level 1 that is being offered by One Root Seven Branches in the future as a tune up.) There will be 1 check in session, 1 week after the course.

For current course dates and locations, please check the calendar or connect below for a private course.

Why Invest?

Yes, I understand that these initiations and courses are an investment. Like anything, life is an exchange. The law of nature is exchange. One must give to receive and receive in order to give. The investment is in the value of the teachings.

After all of my trainings and continued studies living in India alongside my Guru and the ancient vibrations of this sacred science and studies, I understand that you cannot put a price on the content shared, because if you did it would be worth billions! These practices are of a high value and require high deserving power to be initiated into. This means that not just anyone can receive the teachings or else they are not treated and appreciated with the value that they behold. It is not about the monetary value, but the understanding of the sacredness of the wisdom being shared and the need to follow through with practice, once it is received.

One invests only when they feel ready to devote and commit to using these practices regularly in ones life. It is an honor to teach and practice such sacred tools of evolution.

Why evolve and grow?

This is why you are in this body on Sacred Mother Earth. The nature of nature is to evolve. The nature of time is evolution. You came into this body to grow, to evolve, and to be an example of more light on this planet. If nature wanted you to stay the same, she wouldn’t present you with so many challenges for growth.

As we grow as individuals, we grow collectively. We have the power to be pattern interrupters in our ancestral patterns and future patterns. You can heal the past, present, and future through your own Self-work. If you grow, everyone around you grows, and that makes a happier, healthier, planet with a high vibration collective consciousness. Too much information, then just know that life is pushing you to be happier and more positive in all moments!

The last point is that when this body dies, nothing remains but the state of your consciousness that you most consistently maintained in this body. Don’t relive your past, vibrate high, awaken, enlighten, and make this world a better place!

Corrin Vecchitto

Pediatric Registered Nurse, Sattva Yoga & Meditation Master Teacher, Healer, Open Channel and Visionary Supporting One Root Seven Branches

Corrin has the Western allopathic medical background from working at the hospital bedside as a nurse for 8 years and studying and working in the field of medicine for 12 years. This is why it is an integrated approach, combining aspects of Western Allopathic Medicine and Eastern Wisdom and Practices.

Corrin lives by these words, “Whatever I do, I do it fully. I immerse myself in knowing everything about that specific lifestyle and practice. I live what I teach!”